A Letter from the Rector of Truro Anglican Church on General Convention 2012

The resolutions related to human sexuality, though heart rending, were predictable and yet another sign that TEC has stepped further away from us and the historic Apostolic Faith. The Episcopal Church is making decisions where decisions cannot be made — an assault on reality. The journey that Truro is taking in our study of the Theology of the Body leads to profoundly different conclusions, ones that allow us to offer compassion and hope for all relationships. I will be writing about some of these different conclusions in a forth coming TFN article.

While I grieve for those who were and will be harmed by the decisions made at General Convention, my strongest emotion is one of gratitude for our new ecclesiastical home in the Anglican Church of North America and for all the faithful leaders, both lay and ordained, who risked much to create it. We now have a home in which we can engage our society redemptively. Though we share the same Anglican heritage with the Episcopal Church we obviously read and bear witness to it with increasing difference. The painful point of this convention for the rest of the Communion is that we are even further apart — which is hard to imagine.

Read it all.


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2 comments on “A Letter from the Rector of Truro Anglican Church on General Convention 2012

  1. Brian from T19 says:

    The painful point of this convention for the rest of the Communion is that we are even further apart — which is hard to imagine.

    While this statement is indeed true, it is not so much applicable to ACNA as they are not part of the Anglican Communion.

  2. MichaelA says:

    [blockquote] “While I grieve for those who were and will be harmed by the decisions made at General Convention, my strongest emotion is one of gratitude for our new ecclesiastical home in the Anglican Church of North America and for all the faithful leaders, both lay and ordained, who risked much to create it. We now have a home in which we can engage our society redemptively.” [/blockquote]
    There was indeed a great deal of risk, hard work and prayer went in to making ACNA a reality. We should pray for it constantly, especially that the work of mission is not hindered.
    [blockquote] “What this General Convention underscores, yet again, is that the work of rebuilding trust with individuals, parishes and dioceses in the Episcopal Church, if it is ever successful, will take decades. It is worth doing, but it must be seen within the wider mission that God has given us.” [/blockquote]
    Good point.